Ballet theory vocabulary
Ballet theory Grade 1 at the barre
Demi Half
Plie To bend
Battement To beat
Grand Large Tendu To stretch
En Croix In the shape of a cross
Retire To draw up
Position of the arms
Bras bas
En avant
A la Seconde
En Couronne
Demi Bras
Port de bras The carriage of the arms
Degage To disengage
Chasse To chase
Pose To step
Jeté To throw
Devant In front
Derriere Behind
Saute To spring
Changement To change
Temps Leve Hop
Time signatures
Waltz 3 / 4
Clap 1 2 3 1 2 3 Emphasise the count 1
Polka 2 / 4
Clap and 1 and 2 and 1 and 2
March 4 / 4
Clap 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 (Even Counts)
Grade 2 - Revise previous grade theory
En face Facing the front
Ouverte Open (same corner as front foot)
Croise Crossed (opposite corner to front foot)
De Cote Sideways
En Avant Coming forwards
En Arrière Going backwards
Grand Battement Large beat
Ronde de jambe Round with the leg
A Terre On the ground
En Dehors Outwards Assemble To assemble (to join together)
Soutenu Sustained Retire To draw up
Relevé To snatch
En L’air In the air
Glissade To glide
Pas de Chat Step of a cat
Pas de Basque Step of the Basque
Balance Waltz step, to balance
Echappe To escape
Music selection: Note the value
Semi Breve = 4
Minim = 2
Crochet = 1
Quaver = half
Grade 3: Revise the theory from the previous grade
Frappe To strike
Développé To unfold
Echappe To escape
Passé To pass
Coupe To cut
Sissonnes Scissor like
Ouvert Open
Pas De Bourre A running step
Petit Small
Music section
The common time signature is 3/4
Walz Has an “ongoing” feeling, 1st beat is accented
Clap 1 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 2 3
The Minuet A stately feeling, rather prim sounding
The Mazurka Extremely Vigorous, 2nd beat is accented
Clap 1 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 2 3
Grade 4: Revise theory from the previous grade
Sur le cou de pied On the neck of the foot
Fondu To melt
Épaulement Use of the shoulders
En Tournant Turning
Temps Lie Time Linked
Battue Ferme To beat as you close
Music section
The common time signature is 3/4
Gallop 2/4 – Lively
Gavotte 4/4 – Starts on 3rd beat of the bar, stately
Tarantella 6/8 – Fast and fiery
Grade 5 and 6: Revise theory from the previous grade
Frappe To strike
Fouette To whip
A deux bras With two arms
A terre On the ground
Demi Pointe Half point
Balone Balloon like
Simple Simple
Compose Complex
Full contretemps Coupe, Chase. Temps Leve, Chasse
Ordinaire Ordinary
Passe To pass
Ferme To close
Echappe Battue Ouverte Beating before the jump to 2nd. To escape, beat, open
Couru To run
Trois Three, refers to the beat
Dessus Over
Dessous Under
Raccourci Shortened, Sharp
Pirouette To whirl
En round Going around
En cloche Like a Pendulum
An aid to the French terminology
Plie To bend (both knees)
Demi Half
Petit Small
Grand Large
Battement Beat
Tendu Stretch
Glisse Glide
Ronde de Jambe Round of the leg
Assemble To assemble
Soutneu To sustain
En rond Round
Frappe Strike
Fondu To sink
Retire To withdraw
Developpe To unfold
Fouette Whip
En cloche As a bell
Echappe To escape
Sautes To jump
Jete To throw
Degage To disengage
Chasse To chase
Sautes To jump
Temps lie “time linked” – linking movement
Detourness To turn aside
Glissades To glide
Ballone To bounce
Pas de Basque Step of the basque’s
Balance To balance or rock
Pas de Chat Step of a cat
Changement To change
Coupe To cut
Quatre Four
Battu To beat
En Croix In the shape of a cross
En Dedans Inwards
En Dehors Outwards
A terre On the ground
En l’air In the air
Devant In front
Derriere Behind
En avant Going forward
En arriere Going backwards
A la second To the second position
De cote To the side
Croise Crossed
Ouverte Open
En face To the front
Dessus Under
Dessous Over Port de Bras Carriage of the arms
Adage Slow sustained movement
Pirouettes Turns
Allegro Brisk, light movements
Batteriere Beaten work
Enchainements Steps linked together; an amalgamation of steps
Sur le coup de pied On the ankle
Change To change
Ferme To close
Simple/Ordinaire Simple and ordinary
Pose To step
Releve To rise